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Understanding analytics

To measure the performance of your stories and widgets

Nicolas Goudemant avatar
Written by Nicolas Goudemant
Updated over a week ago

To access the statistics, click here:

This will take you to the Analytics page where you can track the statistics of Stories, Widgets, Forms and also Polls&Quizzes.

Stories performance :

The statistics displayed take into account all the stories on the selected date range:

  • Stories views: number of stories opened

  • Stories completed : stories viewed until the last card

  • CTA & swipe up: cumulative number of clicks on a button or swipe up

  • Avg. completion: average length of time your visitors have viewed the story (e.g. 2nd, 5th or 10th page)

  • Conversion rate: percentage of visitors who clicked on a button or CTA.

At the bottom of the page, you can find the details of each story

Widget performance :

The statistics displayed take into account all the widgets over the selected date range:

  • Widget loaded: tells you how many times the widget has been loaded on the page.

  • Viewabily rate: average number of times the widget has been viewed.

    🧐 If you're wondering, "Is my widget visible on the page? "the higher the widget, the higher the viewability rate. -

  • Avg. click: rate of clicks on one of the stories displayed in the widget.

At the bottom of the page, you can find the details of each widget:

Forms performance :

When you create a story with a form, this is where the data is displayed. You have access to the total number of responses to the form(s) corresponding to the selected period.

  • Name: the name of the form

  • Story: the link to the story that contains your form.

  • Total responses: the number of responses associated with this story.

  • Download: retrieve your data in .csv or spreadsheet (Google) format.

Polls&Quizzes performance

Your Polls&Quizzes data are accessible by clicking directly on the Stories tab, then on the concerned story.

You will find the questions, options and the number of answers

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